I'm back with just a little update - I may try to write a little each day this next few weeks as we spend quite a bit of time each day remembering where we were a year ago. Last year, this was the day I first felt a contraction - I didn't really know what was going on, but thought that something might be 'different'. Friends reassured me that there were some contractions common to pregnancy so not to worry, and I knew I would be seeing my doctor on Tuesday. I also could feel John & Hallie - those babies loved to kick each other and me, which was a constant joy and reassurance to me with everything else that went on with the pregnancy.
Couple of updates:
- Next week is the March for Babies at The Woodlands Church, Fellowship Campus. More information at http://www.marchforbabies.org/s_team_page.asp?SeId=1386226. You can make donations online or find out about the walk in your area.
- The first round of Clomid had no effect on my hormones. I was bummed about that but then had the BEST discussion with Dr. Roach about what's next. I LOVE HER!! We're trying a slightly higher dose of Clomid once and seeing if my body responds. If not, I will go on the birth control pills which is the prep step for doing our frozen embryo transfer in August...provided I'm a relaxed girl (more later on that). With our three embryos individually frozen, she thinks that at least two, if not all three, should make it...one at a time. :)
- Please be in prayer for my appt. with Dr. Hare on May 19th - this is a prepregnancy consultation with the high-risk OBs where I delivered. I am praying for optimistic news and she doesn't find anything to suggest we should not try the embryos.
- ADOPTION NEWS - well, no news is okay news right now. It gets frustrating some days, but I really believe God knows what He's doing and that His timing in all this will make sense to us - not just make sense to us, but move us to praise Him so loudly when we see how He worked in this. We have continued to do things the agency suggests, and a friend of mine has also suggested a local agency we might work with in the future. Right now, I am planning to finish up my schoolwork by August and it just feels like God might be waiting for me to get that out of the way so I can focus on our new children. :)
I love you all - thanks for your comments and the support you give on all of this stuff. :)
hi hi! This is another awesome post. Chuck and I will be keeping you both in our prayers. love ya!