Wednesday, March 24, 2010

A year ago today...

Hi Everyone,

I just wanted to put a quick post on here today. A year ago today we found out that Hallie Reagan and Sara Elizabeth were going to be Hallie Sara and John Andrew! :) Both the doctor and ultrasound tech had both thought we were having two girls, but the ultrasound on March 24th showed that we were having a boy and a girl. It was such an amazing, happy time and the pictures we got that day are still some of my favorites. It is so nice to have memories that are all positive. This is also about the time that they were becoming really active - we also saw in that ultrasound John and Hallie kicking each other - it was the cutest thing to see them pushing off on each other. There was nothing I loved more than feeling them kick...although after about 30 minutes, I did start to get a little sore. ;) We have a precious picture from that day of Hallie punching me - they had so much spirit and that became even more apparent once they got out. Both of them were wiggle worms...I love those two so much!! God is so amazing!

1 comment:

  1. aw Kate, that is an awesome memory to share and to have the pics too... You are amazing.
