Thursday, March 11, 2010

Thanks so much for praying!! Keep it up!

Well, I just want to thank everyone who prayed for me today because those prayers worked! Dr. Roach said that I was definitely not experiencing menopause and that I didn't have any cysts - my two big concerns, so these are huge praises! Unfortunately I also didn't have any estrogen. She put me on estrogen patches for 2 weeks, and hopefully, when I go back, they will be doing their job and we can try to get my body regulated again. Please pray that the patches do their trick - she also mentioned concern that I might have some scarring in my uterus if my estrogen levels had been low ever since the babies (I think it was more a gradual shutdown over the 4 months with Hallie, but please pray that everything is healthy to try again).

The 3rd answer to prayer in all of this is that I have felt a growing impatience that we were needing to wait to try our embryos in August - for so many reasons, this makes sense, but both Reagan and I want to know if we'll be able to have a baby. This definitely answers those prayers as we get to be more actively waiting by getting my body ready, and I'm excited about a step forward. Pray, pray, pray - that all of this will work out. Reagan and I pray daily and we are hoping that we are listening some while we talk with God and that we're following His will.

I want to say that this continues to all be IN ADDITION to adopting. There are so many birthmoms listed with our agency that mention wanting an adoptive family with other children, so we hope the birthmom that is right for us is out there and will understand that us having a child biologically would just be one more thing we offer her, and that in no way would this lessen the love we have for her child. Please continue praying for the adoption.

I fully believe this year will end and we will look back on the coming months and be like WOW - how GREAT is our God!! Please continue praying for the many ways God may grow our family so that you can be a part of His work in our lives!!


Now it's been awhile since I've shared a big Spiritual 'aha' but Reagan and I were reading Philemon last night (finished Proverbs and thought we'd start with the smallest book in the Bible). ;) Well, who would have thought such a profound revelation would come from such a random selection, BUT GOD knew where we needed to be. There is a verse where Paul talks about how sharing his faith has helped him develop a greater understanding of the knowledge of Christ - both Reagan and I realized that we had fallen off our diligence of sharing our faith. When I was daily sharing God's work in Hallie's life, MY relationship with the Lord was closer than ever. Lately, school has been taking priority - even when I read my Bible and devotionals, if I'm not sharing what God is teaching me, it affects my growth too. Reagan used to teach men's group in TN, and he has felt something major missing without that experience of sharing.

I'm telling you all that as one more thing to pray for our Christian walks, but I also share it because God didn't intend those words to just be applicable to Reagan and myself - ALL of us will be richly blessed as we share our faith with others - not only will we help them grow, but we will experience greater understanding and growth ourselves - how AWESOME is that!! God wants us as close to Him as is possible - hope that makes you feel extra loved today. :)

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